Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Challenge

The second meeting was held on Monday, June 22nd with 7 young ladies 19-21 years old present. This meeting started off with a review from the previous meeting. There was no communication within the group between the meetings. The topics reviewed included health & wellness, financial literacy and college life.

Then there was a brain storming session to decide on programs and ideas of how to best spend the $10,000. There was a lot of discussion on creating an information website and educational programs.

The group is taking a couple weeks to think more about the $10,000 give away and return with marketing ideas. The young ladies asked the Women's Fund to provide them thought provoking questions to help them define issues and struggles that women 19-21 years old face.

What questions would you ask young women 19-21?

Submitted by: Mindie Boynton, Women’s Fund Communications Committee

Sunday, June 21, 2009


The second meeting for the young ladies 19-21 years old will be held tomorrow, 6/22. I am excited to get the group back together and see the plan take form.

Submitted by: Mindie Boynton, Women’s Fund Communications Committee

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


The fourth Power of 10 group is young women, 19-21 years old. This group consists of recent high school graduates, college students and a single mother, all in a transitional place in life. They work various jobs in retail sales, childcare and hospitality.

The current economic conditions have greatly affected this group. They are apprehensive about the unknown, so they feel the need to outline a life plan. Their goals include finishing college, going to graduate school, finding a job, getting married and starting a family. Their fears include veering off track from their set “plan”, not making enough money to support themselves, and lack of financial literacy (401k, investments, etc).

As one young woman put it, “our generation is not going to have the benefits our parents did so we have to be more self-sufficient. “

The second issue identified by the group was mental health and wellness. These women were most concerned about navigating the transition process from student to adult, which is often wrought with anxiety, depression and self-doubt. Addressing how to deal with pressure, build confidence and maintain a healthy body image were of utmost importance.

By the end of meeting, it was clear that the economy is defining this group. Despite the recession, they feel some sense of security by establishing a “plan.” There are a lot of challenges ahead (in the Power of 10 and life), but these young women have the potential to make a big impact.

For more information on the Power of 10, visit www.YouCanCountMeIn.org.

Submitted by: Mindie Boynton, Women's Fund Communications Committee

Monday, June 15, 2009

19-21 Year Olds Kick-Off

The Power of 10 focus group, Young Women 19-21 years old will have its first meeting today, June 15th.

Submitted by: Mindie Boynton, Women’s Fund Communications Committee

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Calling young women, ages 19-21!

We need your help with our next Power of 10 focus group, Young Women 19-21 years old.

Remember: The Power of 10 is the Women’s Fund’s 10th anniversary initiative, designed to identify the issues and obstacles facing women of all ages in our community.

This group will be meeting three times in the month of June to discuss, debate and decide how to allocate $10,000 to help other young women in the community. Each meeting lasts about 90 minutes. Final meeting times will be scheduled at a later date to best accommodate the schedules of the entire group.

Please contact Karlene Grabner at Karlene@OshkoshAreaCF.org to participate. For more information on the Power of 10, visit http://www.youcancountmein.org/.